
What is the Campaign for Hospitality?

U.S Canada
Estados Unidos y Canadá
Ignatian Solidarity Network

he Campaign for Hospitality is part of a growing international effort of the Jesuits and lay partners to promote a culture of hospitality toward those who migrate. In the U.S. and Canada, the Ignatian Solidarity Network is coordinating the Campaign, working with partners in the Jesuit network and larger Catholic Church.

The Campaign is grounded on three tenets for how it engages people: encounter with those in our nations who have recent migration stories; understanding, providing resources and pathways for people to understand issues of migration both intellectually but to also develop empathy for the challenging realities faced by those who migrate as immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers; and action, inviting people and communities into direct forms of hospitality, popular education, and advocacy.

@ SoyH - Historias de Hospitalidad. All rights reserved. Webdesign and illustration by Camilo Pinilla